It’s Been 2 Weeks and…

It may be disappointing, but don’t have much to tell you this week. I have a feeling that my blog posts will be sparse for a while, or at least a bit lackluster. This isn’t because I dislike my job or because the new living arrangement & work keep me too busy.

It was easy to update you weekly about Polyface because our days were so full and a myriad of activities got done before we even had lunch. Working here has been very different in that regard because, while we are still getting a lot of work done each day, most of the things we do are very repetitive or we will be doing the same tasks for many hours. I can only tell you so much about thinning, potting up, transplanting, and seeding.

The majority of my time has been spent in the greenhouse doing the aforementioned activities, watering, and regulating the temperature inside (opening/closing the main doors, rolling up/rolling down the sides of the structure, etc). Honestly, one day I spent 8 hours just seeding 2 types of flowers. Not much fuel for interesting storytelling.

On a more exciting note, yesterday we hoed a few rows in the home garden and planted several varieties of potatoes! Hand hoeing is making me feel muscles that I wasn’t aware of having. I can’t decide if I enjoy it or not. Even so, I’ve never grown potatoes before, so I am especially excited to watch those over the course of the season. After that, I weeded for a few hours which is monumentally less exciting. Thankfully, Aaron (my boss) and I keep each other company most of the time and listen to music & podcasts when things get too monotonous. And soon, our schedule will be changing — it’s about time to plant some things from the greenhouse out into the field! That should be a lot of fun and make room in the greenhouse that we desperately need right now.

If anything especially eventful happens, I’ll be sure to let you know. I imagine, until the Farmer’s Market starts, most of our work will be much of the same, but we shall see.

In the meantime,

Let’s grow something

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